How to use SuperMail dialog
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Meet Supermail Dialog
What is SuperMail Dialog?
You can seamlessly monitor the status of your emails sent via SuperMail, view replies directly within your monday item view, and even respond or initiate new conversations- all this in the item view, based on the specific item's data!
Supermail Dialog Main screen
On the main screen, you can see all your dialogs, similar to an email inbox.
Once you send an email by SuperMail (Using integration or the send now button ) A new dialog is added to the main screen.

Timeline dialog
When you click on a dialog , you'll see a timeline displaying several actions, such as:
Email sent, email is opened, Links being clicked, Responses received, Changed status by using the change status button. This timeline tracks all actions following the initial email, keeping you updated on the conversation’s progress.

In addition, you can respond back using the reply button, a Supermail editor will open for you and you can respond.

1. How to Add SuperMail Dialog
1. Click the Update button on a certain item

2. Click on the + in the right corner to add item view

3. Search for SuperMail dialog and click to add to item

4. Sign in to Email Provider
Missing Permissions Notification: If you see the notification in the image, it means that SuperMail Dialog requires updated permissions. Specifically, we now need to include the "Read your emails" permission for the integration to work correctly.
To resolve this, simply click on the "Sign in with Google" or "Sign in with Microsoft" button and re-authenticate with your provider. Please note that this feature is still under review by Google, so you may see a "Not verified" message, which you can safely ignore.

5. You are now on the main screen of Supermail Dialog.
Before we dive in and explain its capabilities
It is recommended to add the view item to favorites or to set as default board.

2. Learn more about SuperMail Dialog main screen
If you haven't sent any emails yet, your screen will look like this:

After you sent emails through SuperMail
The emails will appear on the main screen as a list of dialogs. This gives you a quick overview of the conversation’s activity. It will look like this:

1. On the left side of the conversation, you will see the list of recipients involved in that particular conversation.
2. Next to each recipient’s name, there will be a number indicating how many emails are part of the ongoing conversation
3. In the middle, you’ll see the latest email in the conversation.
You’ll see the subject line and a preview of the email content.
To see the whole conversation, just click on it, and it’ll take you to the full timeline with all the actions.
Check out the timeline details below.
4. Next to the date, there is an eye icon. When you click on this icon, you will get a summary of all the actions that have taken place in the conversation, including:When the email was opened.Any replies or responses received.Link clicks (if links were included).Button interactions (e.g., status change).
5. On the right side of the screen, you can see the date of the last email sent or received in the conversation.

How can I start a dialog?
1. By Integration:
You can send an email with SuperMail integration
(see explanation here if you are not familiar with SuperMail integration )
2. Send now button:
You can click the blue send now button. The email is sent using the Supermail editor which supports a rich design, image files, a button to change the status, supports a sub-item and much more.

3. Learn more about dialog timeline
When you click on a dialog , you'll see a timeline displaying several actions
The conversation timeline shows all the actions taken in the dialog.
Outgoing email : An email sent on your behalf will appear as an “outgoing email,” whether it was sent using an integration or through the “Send Now” button.
Incoming email: If you receive a response from the recipient, the email will show up as an “incoming email.”
Open email: Open email: This will appear each time the email is viewed.

Reply: When you receive an email, you can reply directly from the dialog using the “Reply” or “Reply All” buttons. Clicking these buttons will open the SuperMail editor. * If you replied to the recipient’s email through your own email , it will still appear in the timeline.

Other actions: link is clicked or the status is changed. *If you don’t want to track this information, you can turn off tracking for each of these actions individually before sending the email.

4. Dialog Permissions
To access these settings, click on the settings icon on the right.
SuperMail Dialog Access Settings:
For each of your connected email accounts, you can choose between two access options:
Private: Only you can see the dialog.
Public: Anyone with access to the item can see your dialog.
By default, dialogs are set to "Private." If you want to share your dialogs with anyone who has access to the item, you can switch to "Public" by toggling the setting in your account.
Note: Share settings may take up to 30 seconds to take effect.