How to use Workflow
App Installation & User Guide Manual
How to Use Workflow
1. Create a Workflow
Go to the "Column Center"
Search for "Workflow" column
Add it to your board

2. Add Workflow labels
Click on the "setting three dots" , then go to "settings" and click on "Customize Status Column"

Add the items labels to the Workflow column
Note - we recommend renaming the default gray status to something you can use

3. Access the "Edit Workflow" page
Return to the board, click on the workflow column and click on "Edit Workflow"
Note - only board owners can access the edit section page of the Workflow column

4. Design your Workflow
Go to "Workflow Design" tab, and start desgining your workflow using the "drag & drop" tool.
From the left side, drag the labels and create connectors between the lables

5. Configure the step permissions
Once a connector is created, a "step configuration" box appears at the bottom of the flowchart page. For every status change, click on the permission box
and define the step Permission
There are three options:
1. All users: Every user who has access to the board can change the status - default option
2. Based on the person column: only user/ team selected in a specific person column can change the status.
3. Personal permissions: only chosen person/ team can change the status.
Example: only a person selected in the "PM column" or a member of the "spot-nik sales" team can change the status from "Start" to "Working on it"

6. Configure Required columns
Once the permissions are defined, click on the Required columns box
and define the step Required Column
For every status change, the board owner can define which columns will be required or optional to be populated by the user.
Example: To change the status from "Start" to "Working on it," the user will have to fill in the "Project Description" column and will also be asked to fill in the "Numbers" column.

7. Review your Workflow configuration
Repeat steps 4-6 to complete your workflow configuration.
Once finished, go to the "Step Configuration" tab to review that all the steps are configured and that both Permissions and Required columns are defined.