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How to use SuperMail

App Installation & User Guide Manual

1. Create template

Once you enter the SuperMail view - press the blue button to create a new template

Supermail create new template

2. Set up FROM email

Press the "Add Account" in the "From" section.


( SuperMail supports Google and Microsoft email accounts).

Supermail - Setup From

Make sure to allow SuperMail access to sending emails on your behalf.

Supermail authenticate account.png
Supermail authenticate account outlook.png
Supermail for google

3. Set Subject

Write your Subject


  • Add an emoji to the subject

  • Add personalized columns to the subject line

Screenshot 7.png

4. Edit  Text

Design your email using SuperMail editor.

Screenshot 8.png

5. Design template Options 

Add gif / image by using URL

Personalize your template by
using data from board

Please follow these instructions:

  • Copy the "copy image address" of gif/image.

  • Press the image button and add the link.

  • Define the dimension and orientation 

You may use personalized column data from the board into your email template.

Notice- columns that are not supported will not appear in the options.

Attach file to all mails

When pressing the 'upload file' button you can add files to the template.

These files would be attached to all of the template recipients.

Notice- the file size limit is 4.5mb

Attach file from file column to specific item.

When pressing the "choose file column" checkbox, a dropdown of all the file columns on the board will appear.

In this way each recipient gets files related to the item triggered.

Notice- the file size limit is 18mb

6. Create integration 

Log into monday integration center.

Screenshot 3.png

Search for SuperMail integrations that allow sending emails to email, person, text, email (mirror), and person (mirror) columns

Supports sending emails to praimary recipient(s) ("to")

Supports sending emails to primary receipant(s) ("to") as secondary to receipants(s) in "cc"


Bulk email sending

SuperMail can be used to send hundreds of emails per day. It is based on your email provider.

Tutorial Video

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